7-eleven Seven Interesting Commercials

More than 40,000 convenience stores, known as konbini, can be found across Japan. Most of them are open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.Strong competition between the major operators, such as Seven Eleven, Lawson and Family Mart, constantly produces new innovative products and services and makes Japanese convenience stores truly convenient.

To me, seven eleven is the most accessible convenient store, because there is one shop on the ground floor of the building my classes always take place. Lately I found a channel which contains some old but interesting TV commercials of 7-eleven, a widely spread convenient store in Japan. I really thank to one Youtube user who uploaded these videos. If you understand Japanese (even a bit), or you live in japan, you will feel the messages hiding in these commercials. And for you who are still beginning to learn japanese, it’s recommended to remember simple daily conversation in the script of those commercial. Most of them promotes 7-eleven as a friendly and familiar convenient store. I like them because they explain us about finding happiness in little things and how to appreciate them.

1. Fukuro he o-ire simashou ka (May I put them in plastics bag?)

2. ¥777

3. Nikuman

4. Hiso-hiso

5. Yuuki (courage)

6. Genki

7. Purpose: Seeking for Mood

About chemieingenieur

Let me introduce myself. My fullname is Baharuddin Maghfuri. I was born in 1988 in the city of Magelang, Indonesia. I spent my early childhood until my highschool in that peaceful small city. After that I study in Bandung Institute of Technology for just one semester. I hope you don’t think I dropped out. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Technology of Japan gave me a big opportunity to study in undergraduate program in japan. And now, I live in Japan, studying Chemical Engineering in Tokyo Institute of Technology. I hope everything will be alright and I’ll complete the undergraduate degree in 2011, then just continue onto Master Degree with qualification Chemical Engineering. Most of my interests are related with my study, photography, pop music and computers: - Chemical engineering in undergraduate level, such as Stoichiometry, Thermodynamics, Transport Phenomena etc. - Studying languages – I am able to communicate in English, Japanese, Indonesian. Now I’m trying to learn Germany. - I love to spend my free time hang out with my friends from Indonesia and taking pictures. - The C Programming and other codings also makes me happy and of course blogging at time to time. But nowdays, beside doing my interests, Indonesian community here asked me to work with them in some volunteer activities. The followings are some of them. You might find my name in their sites. 1. Kammi Jepang 2. PMIJ 3. PPI Tokodai 4. KMII Jepang and so on.
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4 Responses to 7-eleven Seven Interesting Commercials

  1. eld---win says:


  2. laras says:

    har, internet lemot. kagak bisa liat apa2.. huhu… btw congrats ya buat internshipnya yang sudah selesai 😛

  3. Carla says:

    I like the last one. What did you come to buy.
    That’s why I go to 7/11 for a good feeling of a full tummy or some tasty treats after a long day a work.
    🙂 Thanks for sharing

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